What load of poppycock! Liberation is not only found in the working class! It is found everywhere - in Buckingham Palace, in the Royal Opera House, in the writings of Adam Smith, in my drawer full of Tory-blue socks, on the playing fields of Eton (twats), in my aga, in my yacht, in my ass. Harrow was the best years of my life! I spent 25 years there (got held back a lot), and I met the greatest people ever to live. Or the richest, which is pretty much the same thing. However, I am glad that someone has finally taken it upon themsleves to take shots at that lowest of riffraff - NHS doctors! Go private, idiots! And what in PG Wodehouse's name is this part concerning your great-great grandfather being a private banker. Don't even give me your opinion if you're any more than three generations removed from landed gentry! You might as well vote Labour. Good day!
What load of poppycock! Liberation is not only found in the working class! It is found everywhere - in Buckingham Palace, in the Royal Opera House, in the writings of Adam Smith, in my drawer full of Tory-blue socks, on the playing fields of Eton (twats), in my aga, in my yacht, in my ass. Harrow was the best years of my life! I spent 25 years there (got held back a lot), and I met the greatest people ever to live. Or the richest, which is pretty much the same thing. However, I am glad that someone has finally taken it upon themsleves to take shots at that lowest of riffraff - NHS doctors! Go private, idiots! And what in PG Wodehouse's name is this part concerning your great-great grandfather being a private banker. Don't even give me your opinion if you're any more than three generations removed from landed gentry! You might as well vote Labour. Good day!