1 Comment

A good article dude! Perfect amount of words to acurately encapsulate the subject. I have read your reply to my comment on your previous article and have had thoughts. I disagree that pleasure cannot be accessed by all. Because the internet is free and y'know rule 34 and all that. It is sad that you don't want to join the great Marxist-Hedonist cause. However, if your goal is to bring pleasure to the masses then we must make like communist sexologists and develop a manifesto of pleasure. Germany in particular I hear is pretty kinky. There's a reason German dungeon porn is so famous! I would advice going out and discovering the world of German kink for yourself of course. By this article, it seems like Roman-style orgies could make a thrilling next article. Also Germany has its own store dedicated to my particular kink subculture, https://www.saveexpress.de/de/ which you should check out if you haven't already.

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